We are able to help with stepparent, adult, and independent adoption matters.
Stepparent Adoption
A Stepparent Adoption is when the spouse of a child’s custodial parent adopts that child. The Department of Social Services prefers that the stepparent be married to the other parent at least one year before adoption.
Adult Adoption
An adult adoption is when someone adopts a person who is over 18 and not related to them. The person adopting must be at least 10 years older than the adult they are adopting.
Independent Adoption
An independent adoption (also called an Open or Private Adoption) is when the birth parents and the adoptive parents make an agreement that the adoption should go forward. There is no adoption agency involved.
Give us a call or visit our Paso Robles or San Luis Obispo offices to get stated.
(805) 237-7770